Skunks Removal

Skunks Removal

Skunks don't make any noise. If you have a very strong skunk smell in the house, this does not mean you have a skunk in the house! This odor can penetrate concrete like it is not even there. We have a scale of odor that we use here and it goes from 1 to 10. Most skunks produce an odor around 4 to 6 and this still smells like skunk. If the odor level goes above 6, it will start to smell more like rotten eggs or sewage. Open the windows and air our the house for several hours. Some home remedies are: Burn vanilla candles for a short time and blow them out than relight them. The smoke from the wick helps destroy the odor. Next charcoal is a natural absorbant. You can put some around the house but be careful if you have kids or pets because this could be a mess. The odor's source is coming from under the concrete porch and we can't get to that area, or we could destroy the odor with a solution. 
Skunks — Furry Skunk in Kenosha, WI
Skunks don't smell. What they spray smells. What makes them spray? An opossum. He goes in other animals holes and a fight between the two results, causing the skunk to spray. Whoever stands their ground the longest will stay in the hole. The smell won't make them leave.

We mount our traps directly to the animal's hole to ensure a quick animal removal and we won't trap any non-target animals. This will cost you less. To prevent this problem in the future we recommend installing our heavy gauge wire in the ground around the concrete porches and decks.
WHAT THEY EAT Fish, Eggs, Worms, Trash
LITTER SIZE 2 - 10, Average 6
LIFE SPAN 6 - 10 years, Average 2 - 3 years in suburban areas
COMMON DISEASES Rabies, Tularemia, Distemper, Brucellosis
WHERE THEY LIVE Concrete stoops, decks, sheds
WHAT THEY DAMAGE Undermining concrete stoops, odor damage
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